Flood Protection

In order to help protect our citizens from flood hazards, the City of Parker joined the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).


The program offers affordable flood insurance to property owners, provides resources and information to homeowners about flood proofing their homes, and teaches communities about regulating development in floodplains. Elevating residential structures and flood-proofing commercial buildings are two ways to reduce flood damage.


As part of any construction within a floodplain, a developer must submit an application for floodplain development permit with preliminary construction plans showing the structure(s) in relation to the 100-year flood elevation. The City’s Land Development Regulations (LDR) detail the review criteria for the application.  When the project is complete, the developer must submit an elevation certificate that verifies that the elevation of the structure(s) meets the minimum requirements of the City’s LDR.


In addition to joining the NFIP, the City of Parker joined the Community Rating System (CRS) program in 1994. The CRS is a voluntary incentive program that recognizes and encourages activities that exceed the minimum NFIP requirements. This has allowed homeowners who live in a floodplain to receive a 10-percent reduction in their flood insurance premiums. As part of this program, the City does annual outreach projects to floodplain residents and the community (flood protection information). The City also provides the CRS with an annual update of its activities through the City’s Floodplain Management (Repetitive Loss) Plan. The City takes its role in flood hazard mitigation seriously and wants to reduce flood losses by:

     a) protecting public health and safety

     b) reducing damage to buildings and contents 

     c) preventing increases in flood damage from new construction 

     d) reducing the risk of erosion damage, and 

     e) protecting the natural and beneficial floodplain functions 


The goals of the CRS are to facilitate accurate flood insurance ratings, and promote the awareness of flood insurance and flood preparedness.

There are many resources to learn more about flood prevention, preparation, safety, and floodplains, at www.fema.gov/

Floodplains and Flood Insurance

Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) produced by the Flood Insurance Administration (FIA) can help determine whether a property is located within a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), also known as the 100-year or regulated floodplain. The City provides this map review service free of charge for any property in Parker; call us or come by.  Virtually all property located in a SFHA is required to have flood insurance.

Flood insurance may be obtained through your local insurance agent. Flood insurance is not a panacea of all occurrences and you should check with your agent to see what is and is not covered by this insurance. You may also check out  www.floodsmart.gov/ to

1. learn the basics of flooding and flood insurance

2. what your flood risk is

3. what your community is doing

4. estimate what your premium may be

5. find an agent in your community


Please contact the City of Parker for information on development in Floodplains. Also, if you need to report a flood issue, have questions or concerns about flooding on your property, or need any information regarding flood zone areas, please contact the Utilities Department at 850-871-4104.  Our staff is ready and willing to assist in any way we can.